Tales From Greenfuzz #2 continues the adventures of Slingsby Sandwich and his brave attempts to rescue his girlfriend, Rosa from the clutches of a villainous gang run by Helmut The Hot Dog Man and the terrible Kebab Twins. In this second installment of the story, the city of Rastapopolis, home to Slingsby and his friends, is ransacked by an army of pomme frite soldiers controlled by the evil Helmut. All but a small group of vegetables hiding in the vault beneath the town hall, are captured by the greasy marauding army. Meanwhile, far away in The forest of the Ogres, Slingsby and his companion The Bearded Cat, are held captive in the Ogre Kings castle. Slingsby's hopes of being re-united with Rosa seem dashed until The Bearded Cat undergoes a strange and bizarre transformation..
The living food adventure continues..